We are a small rural church in Southern Manitoba. Our desire is to be God's people and His witnesses in our own local community. Our mission is to help people find and follow Jesus. We welcome people from all backgrounds to join us in learning and growing together. We recognize that our work extends beyond the walls of our building, so we encourage community involvement wherever we can make a positive impact that will benefit people's lives and advance the cause of Christ.
Find a link to our church's historical account presented June 25, 2017 on the About Us page.
Latest News
Full Calendar here...
Ladies' Bible Study (Church):
Mondays (most weeks)
"Revelation" 1:30 p.m.​
Next study - January 13
Ladies' Monthly Bible Study: (Church)
First Monday evening of the month -
Book: 12 Extraordinary Women (of the Bible) by John MacArthur. ​
Men's Bible Study:
Thursdays 7:30 p.m.
Men's Monthly Fellowship Evening: (Church)
Third Monday evening of the month
Book: Disciplines of a Godly Man by R. Kent Hughes
Congregational Prayer Meetings
Prayer meetings: 10:00-11:00 every Tuesday. See below for details.
(Use recurring Zoom link)
Tuesdays, 10:00 -11:00 a.m.
Feb. 4, 18 - at Church & on Zoom
Jan. 28, Feb. 11, 25 - on Zoom only
​Occasionally, an "at Church" day could be changed to Zoom only.
If you are new to attending prayer meetings, please call Joy to confirm.
Contact Joy at bjpauls@inethome.ca to receive an invitation to attend Zoom meetings online.

A New Beginning
"My name is Brian Klassen and I am excited to announce that I have taken on the role of pastor at Manitou Christian Fellowship. Many of you may be familiar with me as I grew up near La Riviere and attended school in Manitou. I graduated from Nellie McClung Collegiate in 2001.
After high school, I spent one year at Providence College in Otterburne, MB. I then spent four years at Steinbach Bible College where I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical Studies.
During my time at Steinbach Bible College, I met my wife Ainsley and we have been married for almost eighteen years. We have three children; Austin, Cheyenne and Jackson. After graduating from Bible College, we moved back to La Riviere where we continue to enjoy life on the farm together with my parents, Richard and Mary Klassen.
I will continue to farm, and carry out the role of pastor bi-vocationally. It is an honour and privilege to serve the Lord in pastoral ministry. Manitou is a wonderful community, and we are excited to join the church family at Manitou Christian Fellowship!"
Pastor Brian Klassen

New books and videos arrive regularly at our library!!
Youth Bible Study: (Church)
Alternate Thursday evenings at 7:30
Contact Pastor Brian for schedule.