Boys & Girls Age 3 - Grade 6
Wednesdays from
Sept. 25, 2024 - April 2, 2025
Awana Club Awards & Wind-up
Closing Program
April 2, 2024 - 6:30

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15
The Mission of AWANA is to equip leaders to reach kids with the gospel and to engage them in lifelong discipleship.
The Vision and Prayer of AWANA is that all children and youth throughout the world will come to know, love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ
Manitou Christian Fellowship
106 Voth Street
PO Box 340
Ph: 204-242-2433
Email: mcfawanaclub@gmail.com
Website: www.manitouchristianfellowship.com/awana
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We are very pleased to have your child in Awana this year at Manitou Christian Fellowship Church! It is a privilege to work together with you in the spiritual, mental, and social training of your child.
Awana stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed according to 2 Timothy 2:15 which says, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” The Bible is truth and when our children know the truth they will stand up for what is right and true in times of trouble. Bible memory is an important tool to keep people of all ages on the straight and narrow. Psalm 119:9-11 says, “How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”
All Awana clubs at MCF meet each Wednesday night at 6:30 pm. Parents of young clubbers should help their child(ren) to their designated starting area. Awana ends at 8:15 pm and parents or designated adults can collect their children from the basement.
Each Awana night consists of Bible Time/Singing, Handbook Time, and Game Time. Handbooks include Bible memorization and other Bible centered activities. Please ensure your child wears running shoes for safety during game time.
If you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to speak to the Directors.
Denise Herrick – Sparks
Suzanne Friesen – Truth & Training, Cubbies
Building lives together!
Manitou Christian Fellowship Awana Staff
The Cubbies Club is for children Age 3 and 4. It is our newest program so details are still being worked out as we learn how to run the new program effectively. On opening night each new Cubbie will receive a blue vest they must wear to every club meeting and an entrance Booklet with a story and memory verse. Once the book is completed, the child receives their handbook. The Handbooks are broken up into sections. Each section has a story and a new memory verse or a review memory verse. Clubbers will receive appropriate rewards for work completed throughout the book.
There are 2 handbooks in the Cubbies Club to be completed.
All clubbers must start with the Apple Acres entrance booklet regardless of their starting age.
End of Year Awards
AppleSeed Handbook AppleSeed Book Award Medallion
HoneyComb Handbook HoneyComb Book Award Medallion
Cubbies Evening Schedule to be determined.
The Sparks Club is for children in Kindergarten through Grade 2. On opening night each new Sparky will receive a red vest they must wear to every club meeting and an entrance Booklet with a story and memory verse. Once the book is completed, the child receives the HangGlider handbook. The Handbooks are broken up into sections. Each section has a story and a new memory verse or a review memory verse. For every four sections completed the clubber receives a jewel to pin to his wing badge on the vest. Sparks clubbers also receive jewels for regular attendance.
If the child flies through the handbook quickly they can gain extra credit and awards by completing additional memory work. There are 3 handbooks in the Sparks Club to be completed in the following order.
All clubbers must start with the Flight 3:16 entrance booklet and then HangGlider handbook regardless of their starting age.
End of Year Awards
1 Handbook 1st Book Award Medallion
2 Handbooks* 2nd Book Award Medallion
3 Handbooks* Sparky Award Sculpture
*not necessarily completed in the same year
Sparks Evening Schedule
6:30-7:00 pm Handbook Time
Small group class time, praying, going over handbook lesson, memory verse recitation
7:00-7:30 pm Large Group Time
Bible teaching and singing in the sanctuary
7:30-8:00 pm Game Time
Fun and games
8:00-8:15 pm Awards
Truth & Training (T&T) Club
The T&T Club is for children in Grade 3 through to Grade 6. On opening night each new clubber will receive a green jersey they must wear to every club meeting and an entrance Booklet with the gospel message and memory verses. Once the book is completed the child receives their first handbook. The Handbooks are broken up into units and sections. Each section has a story, a new memory verse (or review memory verse), bible work and two optional extra credit sections containing additional bible work and extra memory work. For every four sections completed the clubber receives a colored emblem to attach to his/her uniform. Clubbers will also receive awards for regular attendance.
There are 4 handbooks in the T&T Club to be completed:
Agents of Grace
Discovery of Grace
Grace in Action
Evidence of Grace
If the child flies through the handbooks quickly they can gain extra credit and awards by completing additional memory work.
End of Year Awards
One Handbook Alpha Award Medallion
Two Handbooks Excellence Award Medallion
Three Handbooks Challenge Award Medallion
Four Handbooks Timothy Award Trophy
T&T Evening Schedule
6:30-7:00 pm Handbook Time
Small group class time, praying, going over handbook lesson, memory verse recitation
7:00-7:30 pm Game Time
Fun and games
7:30-8:00 pm Large Group Time
Bible teaching, singing
8:00-8:15 pm
Memory Verse Requirements
When clubbers are reciting verses, they are required to say the reference (eg. John 3:16) as well as the verse. The listener can give them two helps during the reciting of the verse or section. If he/she requires more than two helps, then they will be asked to work on the verse some more.
Parental Assistance
Awana recognizes that spiritual development of children begins at home. Children will learn the most from their handbooks if parents go over the lessons and review the verses at home. We encourage you to read the Bible stories with your children and share excitement for each verse that they learn and say to you at home. Look at their books, encourage them as they memorize the verses, and let them practice in the car or at home, listening to the audio included with the Handbook. The Leader will work with your child during Handbook time but since the time is limited, a clubber will not learn the verse as well as he/she could if they had learned the verse at home.
Issuing Handbook Awards
As clubbers complete sections in each handbook, they earn awards that are placed on their uniform. The awards earned are issued during club time. Awards will only be issued if the clubber has their vest or jersey on. This keeps awards from getting lost since they are so small and are meant to be attached to the uniform. If a child forgets their uniform the awards will be kept until the next week.
Club Cancellation
In case of inclement weather, Awana leaders will call your home by 5 pm to cancel clubs. For this reason, please keep us up to date on your contact information if it changes.
Kid Club Rules
Running shoes must be worn during club.
No chewing gum.
No cell phones.
Ask permission from your leader before going to the washroom.
Wear your uniform (Clubbers must wear their uniforms in order to receive their awards).
All clubbers must participate in the team games to the best of their ability.
When a leader’s hand is up all clubbers are required to be silent and still while the leader is speaking.