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Page Contents:
Church Profile
Pastor Advertisement
Pastoral Job Guidelines

Manitou Christian Fellowship

Church Profile


The Manitou Christian Fellowship Church is a rural church that meets at the corner of PTH 3 and Voth Street in Manitou located in South Central Manitoba.  The church was founded in 1927 and is affiliated with the Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba and the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches.

We are seeking to fill the position of full-time lead pastor with someone who has the passion to disciple and lead our church in the ongoing process of seeking and following God’s will for our church, especially in the areas of community outreach and discipleship.  Our area is not culturally Christian so we seek a pastor who can relate to others who are not interested in religion but need to see Christ modelled. 


Our mission statement is: To glorify God by helping people find and follow Jesus.  It is important to us to be biblically centred in all we do, whether in preaching, teaching, praying, singing, serving, or sharing.   We welcome people from all backgrounds to join us in learning and growing together in our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Recognizing that our work extends beyond the walls of our building, we aim to have a positive impact on people's lives and advance the cause of Christ.  Therefore, our people are generally very involved in local community events and in developing relationships outside of the church family.


We are a small church with many seniors but has had recent growth in young families, many of whom are homeschoolers.  The last couple years have seen several baptisms.  Presently, our youth group has discontinued due to lack of numbers, but we desire to start another one in the near future.  Going forward we plan to focus on loving our neighbours and doing community outreach, while also discipling those around us.


Our ministries include one worship service on Sunday morning with an average attendance of 55; Sunday School classes; regular fellowship times through special events and Sunday potluck meals; prayer meetings every week; Bible study groups; Ladies’ Prayer Sister program; Awana; participation in care home services; a children’s tent at the Manitou fall festival; Christmas choir; supporting a local youth drop-in centre; and missionary support.  Please refer to our website for further details and our belief statement:

Manitou is part of the Municipality of Pembina which includes the villages of Darlingford and La Riviere.  This is mainly a farming community with many supporting businesses, services and numerous attractions.  Refer to The Municipality of Pembina website for more information:


Seeking Pastor in Rural Southern Manitoba


The Manitou Christian Fellowship, a multi-generational, rural church in South-Central Manitoba, seeks to glorify God by helping people find and follow Jesus.  We are looking for a lead pastor who is relational, a gifted teacher and has a heart for evangelism and discipleship.  We are open to an 80-100% work week.

It is important for us to be biblically centred in all we do.  We welcome people from all backgrounds to join us in learning and growing together in our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Recognizing that our work extends beyond the walls of our building, we aim to have a positive impact on people's lives and advance the cause of Christ.  Our people are generally involved in local community events and in developing relationships outside of the church family.


In the following year, we want to focus on discipleship and personal growth while also effectively reaching out to the community. 


We are accepting resumes until the position is filled.  For more information and to apply, please contact Joy Pauls at c. 204-242-4424 or by email at  

Pastoral Job Guidelines


​A. Communication:

  1. To preach and teach the entire word of God (a minimum of 3 out of 4 Sundays/month) and give opportunity to others to do the same.

  2. To assist with the weekly prayer meetings.

  3. To administer the ordinances of communion and baptism, including the instruction and preparation thereof.

  4. To promote and participate in the outreach of the local church, working with the Mennonite Brethren Conferences and other mission agencies that agree with the Mennonite Brethren Confession of Faith.

  5. To lead in the development of Bible study groups.

  6. To help develop and articulate a clear vision for the community outreach and discipleship.

  7. To participate in and promote the work of the local ministerial, including leading Manitou Care Home services in rotation with other churches.


B. Relationships:

  1. To develop and maintain positive, supportive relationships within the congregation.

  2. To actively participate and develop personal relationships within the community.

  3. To be actively involved in the visitation of members of the congregation.

  4. To officiate at weddings and funerals, as requested.


C. Leadership:

  1. To be a spiritual leader in the church by helping to equip our members both for leadership in the church and for works of ministry.

  2. To be a spiritual leader in the community and a representative of the church.

  3. To be a member of the Council of Faith and Life (CFL) and as such, be familiar with church activities and assist the CFL with church communication and administration.

  4. To be an ex-officio member of all church committees, offering assistance and guidance as requested.

  5. To maintain regularly scheduled office hours, approximately 9-12 hours weekly, and generally operate the church office.

  6. To attend Provincial Mennonite Brethren Church Conferences, study conferences and leaders meetings as a representative of the church.

  7. To continue to upgrade education through courses and reading.




Characteristics and Requirements

  1. Born again Christian, baptized upon the confession of faith

  2. Agreement with the Mennonite Brethren Conference Confession of Faith

  3. Strong prayer life and a student of the Word

  4. Leader with a servant heart

  5. Have an understanding and appreciation for rural life and live in the Municipality of Pembina, within an agreed upon time

  6. Good communicator

  7. Able to discern and encourage the personal and spiritual gifts of others

  8. Caring person for those in the church and community

  9. A passion for evangelism and discipleship

  10. (If married) Spouse is supportive of the pastor’s calling and is willing to participate in the church’s ministry according to their gifts and abilities.


Pastoral Call

Able to verbalize a God-given calling to vocational Christian ministry and articulate a theology/philosophy of ministry that shapes their pastoral engagement.


Church Membership

Able and willing, together with his/her spouse (if applicable), to become a member of Manitou Christian Fellowship and to support its mission and vision for ministry.



Must be ordained or credentialed (or be eligible) by the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches.  A lead pastor credentialed in another denomination shall complete the Mennonite Brethren credentialing requirements within the first year of ministry at Manitou Christian Fellowship.



Accountable to the Council of Faith and Life and Pastoral Support Team

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